Birth Control Specialist

San Francisco Gynecology, INC. Katherine Gregory MD
Gynecologist located in Union Square, San Francisco, CA
For women throughout the San Francisco area, Dr. Gregory offers the best care options for necessary reproductive health treatments. At her practice, Dr. Gregory can ensure women are able to receive exams, treatment for any issues, and access to birth control.
Birth Control Q & A
What is Oral Birth Control?
Oral contraceptives, or birth control pills, are used to prevent pregnancy for women. Progestin and estrogen are the two female hormones commonly used in oral contraceptives. These work by preventing ovulation. They also change the lining of the uterus to prevent a pregnancy form developing and change the mucus at the cervix which prevents sperm from entering. Birth control pills have also been used to help treat acne and premenstrual dysphoric disorder which causes physical and emotional problems just before each period.
Are There Other Uses for Birth Control?
Birth control pills have been used to treat irregular or heavy menstrual periods, endometriosis which is a condition where tissue which normally lines the uterus is found in other areas of the body and can cause pain, and has been known to help women with acne and especially severe menstrual period symptoms including heavy, painful bleeding and excessive mood changes.
What I Should I Know about Birth Control?
It is important to remember to take the pills each days and keep appointments with your doctor. Physical exams should be performed once a year and can check for any reproductive health concerns. If you want to become pregnant and want to stop taking the pill, the doctor may recommend that you use another form of birth control until your menstruation is normal again. Birth control pills can reduce the amount of folate in a person’s body and because of this if you want to become pregnant soon after taking birth control pills your doctor may prescribe a folate supplement to ensure proper fetal development. It can take a long period of time to get pregnant and it can happen quickly, it depends on your body. It is important to remember that some supplements or medications can interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills so if you need to take them make sure to tell your doctor.
Insurance Information
We work with many different insurance companies. We currently are not in network with individual plans. These are plans purchased through a broker, directly or covered-ca. Please contact us for more information.