IUD Placement Specialist

San Francisco Gynecology, INC. Katherine Gregory MD
Gynecologist located in Union Square, San Francisco, CA
For women in and around San Francisco, Dr. Gregory’s gynecology practice offers patients numerous forms of birth control including IUDs and their placement. As a leading OB/GYN, Dr. Gregory can ensure that patients have access to the latest, most effective forms of contraception.
IUD Placement Q & A
What is an IUD?
An IUD, also known as an intrauterine device, is a flexible device which is inserted into the uterus to act a forms of birth control. There are numerous brands of IUDs, however they usually work in one of two ways. They either release a small amount of progestin levonorgestrel or have a copper coil which acts as a spermicide. A few common brands of IUD are Mirena, ParaGard, and Skyla.
How is the IUD placed?
Prior to the insertion a doctor may ask patients to take an over-the-counter pain medication to minimize discomfort which can occur during placement. They may also suggest to bring a sanitary pad in case there is any bleeding. To determine the position and mobility of the uterus the doctor may also perform a pelvic exam prior to placement. To insert the IUD, the doctor will use a speculum to hold open the vagina and a tenaculum to stabilize the cervix. To reduce discomfort, the doctor may also use a local anesthetic. The area will also be cleansed to ensure the environment is sterile. The doctor will also determine the length and direction of the uterus for proper placement. The IUD is then inserted using a tube or slider. While there may be some discomfort, the procedure should only take a few minutes.
What Should I do After the IUD is Placed?
During the first few days and especially after the first period following placement, women should check to feel that the IUD’s strings are still there. The strings allow the woman to feel if the IUD has moved or is no longer there. After this time, the strings may be cut shorter and IUD checkups can be performed during a woman’s annual exam. There should be little discomfort and the woman can begin having sexual intercourse when they feel ready. With Mirena the IUD will be effective immediately if it was inserted within 7 days of the start of the woman’s period. If not, the woman will need to use a backup form of birth control.
Insurance Information
We work with many different insurance companies. We currently are not in network with individual plans. These are plans purchased through a broker, directly or covered-ca. Please contact us for more information.